Down with the Fujimorist Congress, Agent of US Imperialism!
For a Government of the Workers, the Peasants and the Oppressed of Peru!
No to the US Intervention in Peru!
We call on the Immigrant Community in the United States to Provide Unconditional Solidarity with the Struggle of the Peruvian People
The removal of Pedro Castillo from the presidency by the Fujimorist Congress was the trigger for the social uprising that has broken out in Peru. Castillo was ousted mainly because his election in 2021 meant a defeat for the oligarchic parties and groups that have controlled Congress since it was established after Fujimori’s coup in the 1990s.
Castillo became president after winning the majority popular vote in the second round against Keiko Fujimori, the dictator’s daughter who is in jail for crimes against humanity. The desire of Congress to depose Castillo is a recurring power struggle in Peru’s internal politics between the corrupt bourgeois political groups and parties that parasitize the Peruvian state.
With the deposition of Castillo, the Fujimori Congress seeks to reaffirm itself as the arbiter of all political and economic decisions and to continue appropriating and concentrating Peru’s wealth in a few hands at the expense of the majority of the population that lives in conditions of poverty and marginalization. A population that suffered the worst effects of the pandemic and now faces severe impacts from climate change.
The Program with which Castillo won the presidency was also a reflection of the popular desire to get rid of the neoliberal regime of the Fujimori constitution. This includes the bourgeois project of restoring the role of the state as the main economic agent, exemplified by projects to nationalize the mining industry and other natural resources, and the call for a constituent assembly to reverse the damage of neoliberalism.
However, Castillo failed due to his political inconsistency, his isolation, and his lack of strategic vision. The political changes that the people need are not achievable within the framework of a decadent and corrupt national and international bourgeois order. It is necessary to carry out a socialist revolution and for this it is urgent to advance in the political and social organization of the exploited and oppressed masses of Peru and the world.
The struggle for power depends on the construction of a revolutionary party with the clear objective of the permanent mobilization of the workers and the oppressed masses for their liberation. It depends on the construction of a new just and egalitarian socialist society. It depends on a mobilization that does not trust the bourgeois institutions and officials, that takes over the Congress and establishes the power of the workers, the peasants, the indigenous peoples and the youth, with arms if necessary.
Yes, the only solution is for Boluarte and all the bourgeois or pro-bourgeois congressmen to leave. If this is achieved, it should be the constituent assembly of the masses in struggle without any representative of the bosses, union bureaucrats and corrupt politicians. It should be a socialist assembly that directs the expropriation without compensation of all the companies and lands of Peru and that plans the future of the Peruvian people in the face of the threats of climate change and in solidarity with all the workers of Latin America and the world.
Socialists Without Borders
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Socialists Without Borders